Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Week 1 -- Welcome to Daejeon

Clayton and I moved into Nuri Hall in Daejeon this week.

Clayton and I are spending a lot of our evening hours getting set up in the dormitory. We already went to the local HomePlus with Dan and the rest of the Drexel team to get some supplies like pillows, blankets, and voltage converters. We also picked up the things that RJ and Bryan left for us in the KAIST lab. With all this, and the things we packed, we should be pretty well set up for life in Daejeon.

We've also begun learning our way around. Today we walked from Nuri Hall to the HUBO lab to get a feel for how long it would take (about 50 minutes, although we walked slower than usual because we were exploring along the way), and also spent some time going through the KAIST campus to construct our mental maps of the place. The KAIST campus is huge, bigger than Drexel's by far, but we've already got a pretty good idea of where the various departments, labs, and stores are located.

In the lab itself we spent a lot of time with Dr. Jun Oh on Monday and Tuesday while the other Drexel people were with us. Once they went up to Seoul, we began working more on our own. Today we mostly focused on setting up our computers, both of which needed to have Windows reinstalled and some hardware work done. 

The people in KAIST lab have been very kind to us. Two of them drove us to and from dinner with Dr. Jun Oh and the other Drexel people on Monday night, and today one of them helped me find a couple rooms on campus that I had had trouble finding on my own. They are friendly; the lab seems like a place with a lot of camaraderie, which is of course a good thing.

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